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Instagram Content Automation

Automate weekly content creation with Mysmmai in just 30 seconds.

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Discover Examples of Mysmmai Instagram Posts

Instagram question generated with content automation tool

What is Content Automation?

Mysmmai leverages AI to streamline the creation of ready-to-use social media posts. Mysmmai's innovative tools empower businesses to generate posts quickly and efficiently, following a content pillars strategy relevant to your business goals. Generate 7 tailored posts in just 30 seconds, designed to activate Instagram sales funnels, enhance your online presence, and drive lead generation.

carousel post creation automation

Why Use  Mysmmai?

With Mysmmai, you can automate post creation and schedule a weekly plan in just 15 minutes per week.

  • Efficiency: Generate seven posts in 30 seconds, eliminating the need for manual editing.

  • Ready-to-Use: Posts are pre-designed to make immediate sense and require no additional editing.

  • Content Pillars Strategy: Ensure your posts align with strategic content pillars that activate Instagram sales funnels, enhance your online presence, and drive lead generation.

  • Tailored for Your Business: Customized content creation that resonates with your target audience and supports your marketing objectives.

  • Professional Designs: Consistent design themes and high-quality visuals for a polished look.

ads automation for instagram

Examples of Automated Content

  • Tips: Provide valuable insights or helpful advice related to your industry.

  • Interesting Fact: Share intriguing or lesser-known facts relevant to your audience.

  • How-to Guides: Offer step-by-step instructions on completing a task or using a product.

  • Books Recommendation: Suggest books that are relevant to your industry or interests.

  • Questions: Engage your audience by asking thought-provoking or relevant questions.

  • Quizzes: Create interactive quizzes to entertain and engage your audience.

  • Ads: Design and share promotional ads to drive engagement and conversions.

  • Quizzes: Create interactive quizzes to entertain and engage your audience.

mysmmai content automation for instagram interface

How to automate post creation with Mysmmai

  • Sign up for Mysmmai AI Post Generator.

  • Fill in the questionnaire.

  • Go to the "Post Creation Tool."

  • Select "Create Weekly Plan Instead."

  • Choose topics and click "Generate."

automate content for social media

Discover  Mysmmai

Mysmmai is an AI-enabled platform that generates professional content for your Instagram accounts:​

  • Content Pillars and Topics

  • Single and Carousel Posts

  • SEO-optimized Captions

  • Content Plan and Social Calendar

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